



SPU’s music therapy program — the only such program in Washington state — was named one of the 20 best music therapy bachelor programs in the U.S. 由TheBest学校.org. 除了把这个项目推向全国, program director Carlene Brown will serve as the lead consultant for bringing music therapy to 台湾. The associate professor of music presented at the 2017 International Symposium of Rural 健康 and Innovative Long-Term Care Services in Puli, 台湾. She also lectured on music therapy and pain management to faculty and students at the National 台湾 University’s College of Medicine in Taipei, and gave a presentation about music therapy at the National Tsing Hua University in Hsinchu, 台湾.


雷切尔谢尔, SPU物理系的高级研究科学家, 被选为美国物理学会会员. She was selected for the honor by fellow physicists for her foundational research on energy learning and representations, 她运用视频分析的方法来研究物理课堂, 以及她在物理教育研究界的领导地位. APS有超过53个,000个成员, 包括学术界的物理学家, 国家实验室, 和美国的工业.S. 在世界范围内.


西雅图州立大学神学院庆祝了三位新“牧师”. 波林, 旧约副教授和大学牧师, 是由福音派圣约教会任命的. 香农Smythe, 神学研究助理教授, 在美国长老会被任命为教导长老。. Assistant Professor of Wesleyan Studies Matt Sigler was commissioned as a probationary elder in the United Methodist Church.


SPU launched its doctor of nursing practice degree program last fall with an inaugural cohort of 19 students, 超额招生目标. 学生——主要是女性, 平均年龄33岁, with two to five years’ nursing experience — are pursuing doctorates as family or adult/gerontology nurse practitioners or as clinical nurse specialists.


SPU’s 商学院,政府, and 经济学 launched several new continuing education professional certificate courses in Autumn 2017. 大多数学校需要上两个季度的夜校,而且没有先决条件. 主题包括数字营销, 项目管理, 精益六西格玛, 供应链管理, 分析, 网络安全, 和创业.


深受几代学生和同事的喜爱, Professor of Old Testament Frank Spina marked 45 years of teaching at SPU this year. Known for his wonderful sense of humor both in the classroom and in faculty meetings, Frank在2000年被评为SPU年度教授. 几十年来,, 被任命的圣公会牧师是一位受人尊敬的演说家, regularly teaching in churches around the Pacific Northwest and lecturing in various institutions around the country, 包括罗伯茨卫斯理大学, 春树学院, 波特兰大学, 和西部福音神学院. 他的学术工作集中在旧约叙事的神学解读上, 他那本广受好评的书就是例证 局外人的信仰:圣经故事中的排斥与包容.


随着2017-18学年的开始, 西雅图太平洋艺术中心举办了一场平面设计展, 观察|制作|状态, 汇集了海报, 图表, 和其他四位有影响力的人物的平面设计复制品:W.E.B. 杜波依斯,查兹·马维扬·戴维斯,加兰·柯克帕特里克和埃默里·道格拉斯. 跨越100年的工作,他们都解决了社会正义问题. “SPU正在寻找多样化的方法, 包容, 平等的对话, 因为网易彩票app的社区非常关心和解,Karen Gutowsky-Zimmerman说, 视觉艺术传播学教授. “It’s essential we have places and spaces that foster these kinds of conversations.” The art center’s exhibit this autumn highlights ways graphic design has been used to promote and hasten social change. 参观者也被邀请参加. 通过包括一个带有油漆和其他工具的创客空间, the show offered visitors a way to respond to what they’d seen by adding their own art about the topic.



“Finding home” was the theme of a January workshop led by Washington state Poet Laureate Claudia Castro Luna with 西雅图 Pacific students and residents of Tent City 3 (hosted on campus through the winter). The workshop was part of the SPU 图书馆’s Creative Conversations series to share scholarly and creative works in progress. 探索家的概念, Castro Luna led the attendees through exercises where they recalled specific details — from cooking smells to the size of furniture — that made up their early experiences of home. 以格雷戈里·奥尔和艾米莉·狄金森的诗歌为例, 参与者唤起了他们对家乡的回忆, 其中一些变成了散文或诗歌. “Having such a high-profile visitor energized this community of both the housed and the homeless,活动主持人兼诗人米莎·威利特说, SPU写作课程的讲师. “它帮助网易彩票app拓宽了家的概念,家可以是一个人,甚至是一顿饭.”  


西雅图太平洋艺术中心接待了卡梅隆·安德森, 视觉艺术基督徒协会的执行董事, 参加二月份网易彩票app艺术与信仰的系列讲座. 这次访问是由M.J. 默多克慈善信托基金. 从他的新书中, 忠实的艺术家:福音主义和艺术的愿景, 安德森 led a discussion for the SPU community on the relationship between evangelicalism and art. 安德森, who has a master of fine arts in painting and drawing and has served as the national director of Graduate and Faculty Ministries for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, 也做了两次讲座. 在一个, he talked about how Christians should pursue relationships with one another and their natural environment to combat the consumption, 焦虑, 以及科技带来的恐惧. 在第二个, he explored the divide between the evangelical church and the world of contemporary artists, ending with a call for Christian artists to look for common ground with their faith traditions and pursue reconciliation in their artwork. 


一个将农场废弃物转化为燃料和收入的学生项目赢得了5美元,四月,在香港特别大学第十二届社会创业计划比赛中,获000英镑大奖. 获胜的队伍, Itheno, comprised junior Cheyenne Thornton and seniors Kristina Brennan and Naomi Miller, 谁为稻农提出了一种将废物转化为能源的方法. Dakshin Dinajpur的农民, 印度, 在种植下一季作物之前,他们通常在田地里烧稻茬. The team developed a chemical process to turn that waste into bioethanol and fertilizer. Farmers would pay a fee to have stubble removed and would receive bioethanol for household and farm use in return. 化肥和多余的燃料将被出售以获取利润. 每年春天, SPU商学院的应用学习中心, 政府, 经济学提供了竞争, which encourages students from all majors to develop entrepreneurial projects that can make a difference in the world. 


SPU音乐学院的一组学生获得了最佳原创配乐奖 入室, 他们的团队去年秋天参加了西雅图的48小时恐怖电影项目. 这是全球定时电影制作比赛的一部分, each team was randomly assigned a specific horror film genre just before the contest began. The short film was written, filmed, edited, and given a soundtrack all within 48 hours. 泰勒·梅里斯科担任这部僵尸电影的作曲家和混音工程师, 在同学艾琳·拉尼·萨波夫的帮助下. 亨特·拉斯是音响工程师和大提琴手. 小提琴手埃文·戴利和小号手科林·钱德勒也加入了乐队. Merisko says use of SPU’s Nickerson Studios was key: “Without access to such a state-of-the-art studio and equipment, 我不相信这个项目会走得这么好.” 


SPU’s speech and debate team won awards at the Fred Scheller Invitational at Pacific University in Forest Grove, 俄勒冈州, 1月. 由政治学助理教授布拉德利·穆格指导, SPU students competed against teams from 23 colleges and universities during the three-day tournament. Seniors Madison Luther and Luke Harrison won the novice division; Harrison was honored as top speaker and Luther took second speaker. 大四学生Alex Donka和他的妹妹, 大二学生瑞秋·东卡, 前六回合赢了五场, 总排名第三, 在四分之一决赛中被淘汰之前. 


让学生更好地适应不断变化的市场, 从2018年秋季开始,西雅图州立大学将开设四个新专业和三个新辅修专业. 一些现有的专业也会发生变化. New degrees include: bachelor of arts in social justice and cultural studies (with four tracks: pre-law human rights and policy; art for social change; mediation, 和平, and conflict resolution; and advanced cultural studies); bachelor of arts in life science; bachelor of science in mechanical engineering; and bachelor of arts in criminal justice.